Saturday, March 11, 2006

Bombay Arrival

I arrived at Bombay International Airport at 11 pm on Frday 3 rd Mrch. The familiar smell of cheap disinfectant hit the nose like a wall (they must sluice the place down with it, it's so overpowering) Mixed in with this was a whiff of something more organic that I suspect had something to do with the crud underneath, and the close proximity to the slums ringing the airport. We were all rounded up and herded through immigration - so far so good. And then out into a long, long, narrow corridor that seemed to disappear into infinity way up ahead. It's someone's law of physics that the narrower the conduit, the faster the contents move. Not to deny a force of nature, the crowd surged forth, rapidly gaining speed. The momentum picked us up and carried us on. We hurtled down the corridor, the old and infirm falling by the wayside, others slipping on the floor, still slick with disinfectant, or tripping on the shards of broken tiles which were littered around. On we tumbled/stumbled until suddenly we spilled out into the cavernous arrivals hall. Naturally there were no signs to guide us to the appropriate baggage belt, so we all congregated around one particular belt (why?) waiting for some baggage action. We kept waiting for 30 minutes or so. Much grumbling and moaning, babies crying etc etc. People started yelling "give us our bags". Nothing........ Finally an airline representative miraculously appeared; "Bags in next arrivals hall!" As one we got up and charged into the next hall, where the bags were waiting on the now silent carousel. Waived through customs, we streamed past the "welcome to India" sign and out into the Bombay night.

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