Saturday, March 18, 2006

To the Airport!

Yep, I thought it was too good to be true. "The New India" they all keep saying. India comes of age, consumer society, trickle down effect benefits all........Hmmm.
Certainly there were noticeably fewer beggers in central Bombay, the footpaths were in better shape, traffic lights worked, there was less garbage on the streets....
From the window of the taxi I noticed clutches of beggers here and there. As we approached the airport, there were more and more. We slowed for a red light. (The traffic was bumper to bumper.) They saw their chance. The driver locked the doors. I frantically searched for change - I had zilch, nothing to do but wait it out. A flurry of orange, magenta, lime and indigo fled the kerb and within seconds they were upon us. Like "Indians" circling a wagon train, they hammered on the doors and windows, they bashed on the roof and slapped the bonnet. It was sort of surreal (a word used a lot in describing India) Five wizened old kaleidoscope crones shrieking through mouths livid and red from chewing betel. A kind of ghastly, rainbow cavalcade. The lights finally turned red and we turned into the airport.
"New India" Pffftt!

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